The file contents dates from 1967 to 1971 and concerns the Eat More Wheat Campaign, which was introduced in 1967 at the time when there was a worldwide shortage of rice resulting in a big increase in the price of rice. The campaign’s objective was to diversify eating habits and not to depend solely on rice, that any shortage will create economic hardships and social unrest.
The file contents include:
1. Weekly dining menu for the various social welfare homes and correspondences on how to reduce the consumption of rice in the homes by serving noodles on certain days instead of rice. 2. Minutes of meeting on Eat More Wheat Campaign chaired by DPM Dr Toh Chin Chye. 3. Radio and TV contents to promote the campaign. 4. The possibility of introducing Rycena, a rice substitute, including taste-test and experiments conducted at various institutions to gather feedback. 5. The possible supply of noodles by the Social Welfare Department (from Gimson School) to Prisons Department and to Army Establishments, including notes of meeting and other correspondences on the supply of noodles by the Social Welfare Department to the Prisons Department, covering matters like cost, logistics, transportation, scheduling, etc. 6. Statistics from the various institutions on cost savings from switching to wheat, the amount of rice and wheat consumed, cost of ingredients, etc.
Jul 1967 - Jan 1971
MSA 2353
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