The Ministry of Community Development (MCD) was formed on January 2, 1985 by integrating the functions of the former Ministry of Social Affairs; the Cultural Affairs Division, Library, Museum, National Archives & Record centre and Oral History Department of the former Ministry of Culture; and the grassroots organisations from the Prime Minister's Office.
On 28 Nov 1990 when the Ministry of Information and the Arts (MITA) was created, the departments dealing with culture and the arts, archives, library and museum were transferred to the new ministry, the MCD was left in charge of community service, social services, sports promotion and community relations.
The MCD is thus responsible for community relations programme which include feedback on government policies, welfare services, liaison with ASEAN and International Organisations on Social Development; Grants to Self-help Organisations, Sports policies and Infrastructure Development, Adminstration of Muslim Law Act; It is also responsible for rehabilitation and protection services, social support services and family development programmes.