Transforming Boundaries
Did you know that the number of commuters travelling across the Causeway at present (i.e. 2024) is about 300,000 per day? This had risen from the approximately 230,000 daily travellers in 2000. And the figure is expected to further increase to 400,000 each day by 2050, which is more than 30 per cent of the current volume!1
With this many people commuting across the Causeway, it undeniably serves as the primary land checkpoint of Singapore, facilitating travel for all purposes. Considering its importance, the Causeway has been carefully managed. Let us go back in time to reflect on how Singapore’s independence on 9 August 1965 shaped immigration controls at the Causeway.
Click the thumbnails below to learn about the developments to the Causeway over the years!
Click to return to the main Causeway Centenary page and references.