Krontjong Boeroeng Koentoel

  • Beka 27779/27823

    Record Label ; Catalogue Number

  • 27779, 27823

    Matrix Number(s)

  • Miss Riboet (Singer)


  • Malay


  • 1927

    Date Released

  • 10 inch Shellac Disc


  • 78 rpm


  • 2015010124

    Accession Number

  • 00:05:43

    Recorded Duration

  • Sound


  • Access permitted

    Conditions Governing Access

  • Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner(s). Processing of reproduction request may require 7 working days.

    Conditions Governing Reproduction

  • Description


    Matrix No.: 27779
    Artist: Miss Riboet
    Title: Krontjong Boeroeng Koentoel

    Matrix No.: 27823
    Artist: Miss Riboet
    Title: Sambas Pontiansk

    Miss Riboet was a multi-talented performer from the Dutch East Indies. Although she began her recording career in Batavia (now Jakarta), her records were very popular in Southeast Asia and she toured extensively throughout the region with her troupe of supporting artists. In a 1933 charity performance at the Victoria Theatre, Miss Riboet demonstrated her versatility by acting in a Javanese drama, singing with her troupe, and performing a Balinese ceremonial dance. The show was attended by many Europeans, Malays and Chinese, and was very well-received.

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