This database has 3 collections - (1) Straits Settlements Records, (2) overseas records and (3) private records.
The Straits Settlements Records (SSR) is a collection of records relating to British administration of the Straits Settlements (SS) comprising Singapore, Penang and Malacca from 1826 to 1946. The SSR consists of several series such as despatches, letters from the Governor and Resident Councilors of the SS to the Malay Rulers, blue books detailing the schedule of taxes, duties, and other sources of revenue/expenditure of the SS and government gazettes.
Copies of records pertaining to Singapore have been acquired from overseas archives and institutions to supplement our records on the important milestones and developments in Singapore's history. The bulk of these records are from the National Archives, United Kingdom as Singapore was once part of the British Empire. Apart from the UK, NAS has also acquired copies of records from other institutions such as the National Archives of Australia and National Archives & Records Administration (USA).
Our collection of private records include diaries, minutes of meetings, reports and other records acquired from individuals, clubs and societies, professional bodies, religious organisations, and clan associations.