Wedding of Mr Mohamed Siraj and Ms Khatijun Nissa.

Mrs Siraj, daughter of prominent businessman T K Shaik Dawood, JP, is a founder member of Young Women’s Muslim Association or Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS), and the first social worker in the Shariah Court.
20190000003 - 0015
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Siraj Collection, courtesy of National Archives of Singapore
Updated with contributions from Peer M Akbur on 25 May 2022.

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Wedding of Mr Mohamed Siraj and Ms Khatijun Nissa. <br /><br /> Mrs Siraj, daughter of prominent businessman T K Shaik Dawood, JP, is a founder member of Young Women’s Muslim Association or Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS), and the first social worker in the Shariah Court.

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