National Archives of Singapore displays selected photographic images in the Photographs Database for the purpose of research and reference. If you wish to use or reproduce any of these photographic images, first check ‘conditions governing access’ that is displayed with each image. To find out more about ‘conditions governing access’, kindly go to the section below titled "COPYRIGHT AND ACCESS CONDITIONS".

Unauthorised use or reproduction of the photographs or photographic images in the Photographs Database is not permitted. All photographic images in the Photographs Database are watermarked.

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To acquire a non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-transferable right to use and reproduce the photographic images in our Photographs Database, please submit a request via NAS e-Request system.

No ownership or copyright in any image shall pass to the requestor or user as a result of National Archives of Singapore providing the images to the requestor or user.

The photographic images may not be used for any unlawful purpose or use or to defame any person or violate any person’s right of privacy or in any manner contrary to the public interest.

You may also visit the Archives Reading Room of the National Archives of Singapore, located at 1 Canning Rise. For more information, please visit //

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For photographic images under 2 and 3 in the section "COPYRIGHT AND ACCESS CONDITIONS", National Archives of Singapore is unable to provide you with the photographic images unless permission is obtained by the user or requestor from the copyright owner. Please refer to section LIST OF COPYRIGHT OWNERS for the list of copyright owners. Certain names are not included as National Archives of Singapore needs to protect their privacy. Please submit your request first to National Archives of Singapore and we will advise you on contacting the rights owner(s).

In your application to seek permission from the copyright owners, please include the points stated in the section TEMPLATE FOR APPLICATION TO COPYRIGHT OWNER FOR PERMISSION.

Kindly also note the following:

  • Requestor and user agree to assume all responsibility for safekeeping and use of the copies of photographic images obtained from National Archives of Singapore. These should be used in a respectful manner without altering the photographic images in any manner. The copies provided by National Archives of Singapore must not be handed over to other parties by the requestor and they shall be properly destroyed once the original usage declared to National Archives of Singapore has been completed.
  • It is the requestor’s and user’s responsibility to ensure that any party engaged or employed or contracted to carry out work with the images do not retain the images after the work is completed and the images are not handed over to or transmitted to any other party.
  • Requestor and user must agree to display an acknowledgement or credit line as provided by National Archives of Singapore with each photographic image used or reproduced.
  • It is the requestor's and user's responsibility to ensure that copyright is not infringed and any infringement that does occur is the sole responsibility of the requestor and user.
  • An order is only formally placed with National Archives of Singapore(NAS) when NAS receives an application via NAS e-Request system. An offer will be made by NAS in the form of a quotation for the photographic images that NAS can provide. NAS’s offer will automatically lapse after 2 months from the date of the quotation if the quotation is not accepted with NAS receiving payment for the order. Any subsequent request for images will have to be submitted through a fresh application via the NAS e-Request system.
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Digital copies of photographic images will be provided only upon payment of an amount consisting of a Request Administration Fee. A Request Administration Fee is charged in recognition of the cost of managing and preserving the photographs and in administering and servicing requests for copies of photographic images.

Orders for reproduction of archival photographs will be processed when all approvals for reproduction and use of the photographic images have been given and upon receipt of the applicable payment.

Request Administration Fee

Description Unit of Charging Price
(exclusive of 9% GST)
(inclusive of 9% GST)
Request Administration Fee Per record $22.43 $24.45

Notice: As of 31 May 2016, National Archives of Singapore will no longer provide prints.

What You Should Know Before You Place Your Order

  • The digital images that NAS provide are dependent on the quality of pictures as received or as reproduced by vendors and their quality can vary. The digital images provided are of custom (not exhibition) quality and may differ from the copy shown online.
  • We seek your kind understanding of any delay in meeting orders for digital images should the Photo Service Team experience high volume of reproduction orders.
  • The Photo Service Team will deliver the digital images to you via electronic means.

Please be reminded that the NAS Photo Service Team does not provide services in the search for images. It is the responsibility of the requestor to conduct the image searches and submit your requested images to us for usage request.

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