Plan of the Island of Singapore including the new British Settlements and adjacent islands
c. 1820
Map shows entire Singapore, with Bukit Teemar, Tanjong Sinocho, Tanjong Poongul, Poongul River, Pulau Poongul, Tanjong Rangone, Rangone River, Tampenus River, Changa River, Tajong Changee, 1st Red Cliff, 2nd Red Cliff, Pt. Fronklin, Sungei Gillang, new road across the island, Sungei Keylang, Sungei Rochor, Fresh Water River, Bugis Town, Chinese Town, Flag Staff, Singapore River, Malay Town, Padang River, Jurong River, Tanjong Gool, Tanjong Rowa, Bukit Pyattoo, Ayer Bajoo, Brec River, Tanjong Pergam, Tanjong Serumbon, Tanjong Booloo, Booloo River, Kranjee River, New Harbour, Pulau Ayer Brannt, Pulau Panjang, Pulau Paniabon, Pulau Suba, Pulau Tambakool or Goa Island signal flag staff, St. John's Island or Pulau Sijong, cluster of islands, Pulau Oolor, Pulau Bookum, Pulau Uknow, Pulau Joong, Pulau Boosing, Pulau Sabaro or Middle Island, Batoo Balaya, Pulau Saboe, Aligator Island, Barn Island, Rabbit Coney, Pulau Masamat, Pumbowen Ospi, Pulau Seeborus, Mackenzie Island, Pulau Bootun, Pulau Sikrar, Pulau Pasee, Pulau Bernardoo, Pulau Macalister, Marambon Island, Pulau Darmar, Pulau Jurong, Pulau Sinbolun, Great Pulau Tookong, Pulau Sijonkan, Pulau Obin, Tanjong Tajin, Pulau Katam, Pulau Rangone, Pulau Serimbon, Old Straits of Singapore or Farquhar's Straits, New Straits of Singapore or Governor's Straits, Tract of the Brig through the Straits. On part of the Malay Peninsula on the map are Tanjong Boorat, Pundas River, Tanjong Pundas, Tanjong Bowow, Pareputh River, Pt. Advantage, Malyho River, Sichodai River, Tumroo River, Siloncho River, Tanjong Booloo, Johore River, Goonong Bow, Johore Hill, Tanjong Tapah. Drawn on map are also notes on dangerous sea zones, mud bank for good anchorage, rocky riffs, Buffaloe rock, shoal, coral partly covered with sand, and others.
The settlement environs, New Harbour, and adjacent islands surveyed by Lieutenant Colonel Farquhar; the circuit of the island old straits and islands by Captain Franklin, assisted by J.F Bernard Esquire; sounding from the Charts of Captain Ross and Mr. Horsburgh.
From Colonial Office and Predecessors. Maps and Plans. Series 3
2019HDD0001 - 0030_CO700_Straits_Settlements_04
CO700 Straits Settlements No. 4
Similar to map set SP006445 to SP006448
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