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Alexander Turnbull Library
Alfred Wong Partnership
Antiques of the Orient
ANU Library; Australian National University Library; Australian National University. Library
BCD; Building Control Division; 建筑管制组; Singapore. Public Works Department. Building Control Division
Benedict Hon Sui Sen; Hon Sui Sen; Hon, Sui Sen, 1916-1983; Hon Sui Sen 韩瑞生; 韩瑞生; Hon, Sui Sen
Bodleian Library
British Library
British Royal Air Force; Royal Air Force; Great Britain. Royal Air Force
Charles William Debney; Debney, Charles William
Chee Guan Chye; Chee, Guan Chye
Christ Church (University of Oxford). Library
Colin Mortimer; Mortimer, Colin
David Turner; Turner, David
Department of Statistics; Department of Statistics Singapore; DOS; Singapore. Department of Statistics
Economic Development Board; EDB; Singapore Economic Development Board; 新加坡经济发展局; Singapore. Economic Development Board
ELD; Elections Department; 选举局; Singapore. Elections Department
ENV; Ministry of Environment; Ministry of the Environment; 环境发展部; Singapore. Ministry of the Environment
F. W. York; York, F. W.
Farish A. Noor (Farish Ahmad Noor), 1967-; Farish (Badrol Hisham) Ahmad-Noor; Farish A. Noor
Foo Siang Luen; Foo, Siang Luen
G. Ronald Cameron, Lt-Col.; Cameron, G. Ronald
George Kesteven; Kesteven, George
George Yeo; George Yeo Yong-Boon; 杨荣文; Yeo, George Yong-Boon
Goh Chong Chia; Goh, Chong Chia
Hill, R. D. (Ronald David), 1935-; Professor R. D Hill; Hill, R. D.
Institute of South East Asian Studies; ISEAS; 东南亚研究院; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
Kenson Kwok; Kwok, Kenson
KIT; Royal Tropical Institute; Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
KITLV; Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
Koh, Tommy T. B. (Tommy Thong Bee), 1937-; Koh, Tommy Thong Bee (Prof) 许通美; Prof Tommy Koh Thong Bee; Tommy Koh (Professor); Tommy Koh Thong Bee; Xu Tongmei; 许通美; Koh, Tommy
Land Office; 土地局; Singapore. Land Office
Lee Siew Hong; Lee, Siew Hong
Leiden University; Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden
Lembaga Perbekalan Awam; Public Utilities Board; 新加坡公用事业局; Singapore. Public Utilities Board
Library of Congress
Lim Shao Bin; Lim, Shao Bin
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore; MPA; 新加坡海事及港务管理局; Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore
Maritime Museum (Singapore)
Michiko Yamaguchi; Yamaguchi, Michiko
MINDEF; Ministry Of Defence; Ministry of Defence, Singapore; 国防部; Singapore. Ministry of Defence
Ministry of National Development; MND; 国家发展部; Singapore. Ministry of National Development
NARA; United States. National Archives and Records Administration
Nationaal Archief van Nederland; National Archives of The Netherlands; Nationaal Archief (Netherlands)
National Archives (Singapore); National Archives of Singapore; NAS
National Archives of India
National Library of Australia
National Library; National Library of Singapore; NL; 国家图书馆(新加坡); National Library (Singapore)
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich; National Maritime Museum (Great Britain)
National Parks Board; NParks; 国家公园局; National Parks Board (Singapore)
Patricia Margaret Browne; Browne, Patricia Margaret
PMB; Preservation of Monuments Board; Preservation of Monuments Board, Singapore; 古迹保存局; Singapore. Preservation of Monuments Board
PMO; Prime Minister's Office; 总理公署; Singapore. Prime Minister's Office
PSA; 新加坡港务局; Port of Singapore Authority
Public Works Department; PWD; 新加坡公共工程局; Singapore. Public Works Department
R. W. H. Davies; Davies, R. W. H.
RAFSA; RAF Seletar Association; Royal Air Force Seletar Association
Rosemarie Somaiah; Somaiah, Rosemarie, 1956-; Somaiah, Rosemarie
Royal Geographical Society, London; Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain)
SAF; Singapore Armed Forces; 新加坡武装部队; Singapore. Armed Forces
SHB; Singapore Harbour Board
SLA; 新加坡土地管理局; Singapore Land Authority
State Library of New South Wales
State Library of South Australia
Survey Department, Singapore; 测量局; Singapore. Survey Department
Swan & Maclaren
TAS; Telecoms; 电信管理局; Telecommunication Authority of Singapore
The National Archives; The National Archives (United Kingdom); NAUK; TNA; National Archives (Great Britain)
UKHO; The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office; Great Britain. Hydrographic Office
URA; Urban Redevelopment Authority; 市区重建局; Urban Redevelopment Authority (Singapore)
Vera Johnson; Johnson, Vera
W. F. R. Brown; Brown, W. F. R.
裕廊镇管理局; Jurong Town Corporation
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Arcade and offices, Collyer Quay
Plan of Singapore Town and adjoining districts from actual survey by John Turnbull Thomson, Government Surveyor, Singapore
Arcade and offices, Collyer Quay
Plan of Singapore Town and adjoining districts from actual survey by John Turnbull Thomson, Government Surveyor, Singapore
Arcade and offices, Collyer Quay
Plan of Singapore Town and adjoining districts from actual survey by John Turnbull Thomson, Government Surveyor, Singapore
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