The Series contains records that were formally presented to Parliament. Presentation of these records to Parliament demonstrates the accountability of the Government by keeping Members of Parliament updated on its activities as well as to provide information for decision-making.
Papers Presented are classified into one of these six categories:
Command Paper,
Parliamentary Paper,
Statutory Paper,
Subsidiary Legislation Paper,
Presidential Council Paper and
Miscellaneous Paper.
They include annual reports of statutory boards, town councils and government-managed endowment funds, reports of Select Committees of Parliament, legislation and Government White Papers.
All Papers from 2011 onwards come in digital format and will be uploaded on the Government Records Database as and when NAS receives them from Parliament.
For older papers dating back to 1955, they are being digitised and will be made available progressively on the website by end 2018.
Note 1: If the PDF document is not available, please enquire at
Note 2: To ensure that the correct Paper is retrieved, please cross reference with the Record Date (Presentation Date) and Paper Number.
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