新加坡河 River Of Life
- Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Fonds
- Singapore Broadcasting Corporation Series
- 03/12/1984
Record Date
- 09/12/1984
Broadcast/Release Date
- 00:41:08
Recorded Duration
- Mandarin
Recording Language
Accession No.
- Audiovisual
- 1 inch B
Access permitted
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Use and reproduction require written permission from copyright owner(s). Processing of reproduction request may require 7 working days.
Conditions Governing Reproduction
Synopsis :This is a documentary on the Singapore River. It features the history of the Singapore River, the life of the residents along the river as well as employment opportunities on the river. It also features the changes in the landscape along Singapore River over the years, and documents the governments’ efforts in cleaning up the Singapore River which was heavily polluted by disposal of garbage, sewage and products of industries. The programme also showcases the life of seamen and other businesses working along the river, illustrating the significance of the Singapore River to some of the older generation Singaporeans.