Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 1 On Merger And The Stakes Involved - Sound
Radio Singapore | 13/09/1961
This is the first in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 2 On The Communist Challenge - Sound
Radio Singapore | 15/09/1961
This is the second in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 3 On How The Communists Operate - Sound
Radio Singapore | 18/09/1961
This is the third in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 4 On A Lesson For Socialists - Sound
Radio Singapore | 20/09/1961
This is the fourth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 5 On Envoy From The Underground - Sound
Radio Singapore | 22/09/1961
This is the fifth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 6 On Communist Plan For Expansion - Sound
Radio Singapore | 25/09/1961
This is the sixth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 7 On The British Plot - Sound
Radio Singapore | 27/09/1961
This is the seventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 8 On The Communist Paradox - Sound
Radio Singapore | 29/09/1961
This is the eighth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 9 On The Open Argument - Sound
Radio Singapore | 02/10/1961
This is the ninth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 10 On Communist Bid To Capture PAP - Sound
Radio Singapore | 04/10/1961
This is the tenth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 11 On Communists Turn On The Heat - Sound
Radio Singapore | 06/10/1961
This is the eleventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 12 On A New Nation Through Merger - Sound
Radio Singapore | 09/10/1961
This is the final talk in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第一讲:合并及其厉害关系 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 1 On Merger And The Stakes Involved - Sound
Radio Singapore | 13/09/1961
This is the first in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第二讲:我们所面对的挑战 Radio Talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 2 On The Communist Challenge - Sound
Radio Singapore | 15/09/1961
This is the second in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第三讲:共产党的活动 Radio Talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 3 On How The Communists Operate - Sound
Radio Singapore | 18/09/1961
This is the third in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第四讲:社会主义者的教训 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 4 On A lesson For Socialists - Sound
Radio Singapore | 20/09/1961
This is the fourth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第五讲:马共地下组织的代表 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ – Talk 5 On Envoy From The Underground - Sound
Radio Singapore | 22/09/1961
This is the fifth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第六讲:我们怎样跟共产党分手? Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 6 On Communist Plan For Expansion - Sound
Radio Singapore | 25/09/1961
This is the sixth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第七讲:英国人的诡计 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 7 On The British Plot - Sound
Radio Singapore | 27/09/1961
This is the seventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第八讲:共产党的矛盾 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 8 On The Communist Paradox - Sound
Radio Singapore | 29/09/1961
This is the eighth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第九讲:公开的辩论 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 9 On The Open Argument - Sound
Radio Singapore | 02/10/1961
This is the ninth in a series of twelve talks by PM Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 October 1961. This …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第十讲:暴露夺取党和政府的阴谋 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 10 On Communist Bid To Capture PAP - Sound
Radio Singapore | 04/10/1961
This is the tenth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第十一讲:共产党拼命制造混乱 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 11 On Communists Turn On The Heat - Sound
Radio Singapore | 06/10/1961
This is the eleventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
‘争取合并的斗争’ 李光耀总理广播第十二讲:走向合并的道路 Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 12 On A New Nation Through Merger - Sound
Radio Singapore | 09/10/1961
This is the final talk in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 1: Perchantuman Dan Faedah2-Nya Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 1 On Merger And the Stakes Involved - Sound
Radio Singapore | 13/09/1961
This is the first in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 2: Chabaran Komunis Radio Talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 2 On The Communist Challenge - Sound
Radio Singapore | 15/09/1961
This is the second in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 3: Chara2 Komunis Bergerak Radio Talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 3 On How The Communists Operate - Sound
Radio Singapore | 18/09/1961
This is the third in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 4: Satu Pelajaran Bagi Orang2 Sosialis Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 4 On A Lesson For Socialists - Sound
Radio Singapore | 20/09/1961
This is the fourth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 5: Wakil Dari Gerakan Sulit Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ – Talk 5 On Envoy From The Underground - Sound
Radio Singapore | 22/09/1961
This is the fifth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 6: Ranchangan Komunis Untuk Berkembang Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 6 On Communist Plan For Expansion - Sound
Radio Singapore | 25/09/1961
This is the sixth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 7: Komplot British Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On ‘The Battle For Merger’ - Talk 7 On The British Plot - Sound
Radio Singapore | 27/09/1961
This is the seventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 8: Keanehan Komunis Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 8 On The Communist Paradox - Sound
Radio Singapore | 29/09/1961
This is the eighth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 9: Perdebatan Terbuka Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 9 On The Open Argument - Sound
Radio Singapore | 02/10/1961
This is the ninth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 10: Komunis Chuba Rebut Kuasa Dalam PETIR Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 10 On Communist Bid To Capture PAP - Sound
Radio Singapore | 05/10/1961
This is the tenth in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 11: Komunis Mula Membuat Kachau Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 11 On Communists Turn On The Heat - Sound
Radio Singapore | 06/10/1961
This is the eleventh in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …
Cheramah Radio Oleh Perdana Menteri Lee Kuan Yew Mengenai Perjuangan Untuk Perchantuman - Cheramah 12: Satu Bangsa Baru Melalui Perchantuman Radio Talks By Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew On 'The Battle For Merger' - Talk 12 On A New Nation Through Merger - Sound
Radio Singapore | 09/10/1961
This is the final talk in a series of twelve talks by Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on the merger between Singapore and Malaya. They were broadcast over Radio Singapore between 13 September 1961 and 9 …