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Stories from the Oral History Collection

Stories from the Oral History Collection brings to you insights and recollections from people that have helped build Singapore in various ways, from public service to business and the arts. These Stories serve as a reminder of humanity, resourcefulness, and our potential as a people, especially during challenging eras in our history.


Public Health in 1950s Singapore
Interview with POLUNIN, Ivan V. (Dr)
Accession Number 001948

The late Dr Ivan Polunin was a British-born medical doctor who started lecturing on epidemiological diseases at the University of Malaya (later National University of Singapore) in 1952. He retired as associate professor in 1980. Here, he recalls the state of public health in 1950s Singapore as a result of socio-economic factors.

Harnessing Untapped Potential
Interview with WINSEMIUS, Albert (Dr)
Accession Number 000246

Amidst a trying economy, Dr Albert Winsemius, who was economic advisor to Singapore from 1961 to 1984, felt encouraged by the people of Singapore in the 1960s. He recalls witnessing an ingenuity among the people when it came to manufacturing skills in their daily lives. Sure enough, Singapore eventually bounced back better than ever, with a phenomenal economic recovery through industrialisation within the decade.

Solving Unemployment
Interview with NGIAM Tong Dow
Accession Number 001658

Former Permanent Secretary and Chair of the Economic Development Board Mr Ngiam Tong Dow was determined to create employment to boost Singapore's economy in the 1960s.

As the self-proclaimed “Chief gong-banger” for Minister of Finance Dr Goh Keng Swee, Ngiam went on a mission to persuade factory owners nationwide to expand and create more jobs despite the bleak circumstances. It eventually paid off in a rewarding economic turnaround as Singapore quickly became the centre for industrialisation in the region.

Transcending Size
Interview with KOH, Tommy Thong Bee (Prof)
Accession Number 002021

Singapore has a reputation for leadership in ASEAN missions. Singapore's Ambassador-at-Large and Professor of International Law Tommy Koh shares how we transcended our size as a small state by developing our expertise on international trade.

What Makes Singapore an Attractive Business Hub?
Interview with HWANG Peng Yuan (P.Y. Hwang)
Accession Number 002597

What makes Singapore one of the most attractive business hubs in the world? According to P Y Hwang, who was Chair of Singapore's Economic Development Board, a combination of ethics, integrity and impartiality when it comes to business standards.

The Secret to Nation-Building
Interview with TSAO, Frank Wen King (Tan Sri)
Accession Number 001733

What's the secret ingredient to a prosperous, independent country? The late shipping magnate Tan Sri Frank Tsao shares his insights in his oral interview.

Honest Dealings
Interview with TANG Choon Keng (C.K. Tang)
Accession Number 000197

Honesty is the best policy. Mr C.K. Tang, the late founder of TANGS department store, shares how this principle underpins his business ethics.

How Savings Built Wealth
Interview with ALKAFF, Alwee
Accession Number 000124

If you had $100, how much would you spend and how much would you save? Alwee Alkaff, owner of Alwee Alkaff Holdings and descendant of the prominent Alkaff family, talks about his father and grandfather’s frugality.

Remembering Ah-Meng, a Singapore Icon
Interview with HARRISON, Bernard Ming-Deh
Accession Number 003217

Ah Meng the orangutan was a tourist magnet in her years at the Singapore Zoo. Bernard Ming-Deh Harrison, former CEO of the Singapore Zoo and Wildlife Reserves Singapore, recalls the star power of the late Ah Meng that drew international celebrities such as American actress Bo Derek to Singapore, just to visit Ah Meng at the zoo.

Composing the National Anthem
Interview with ZUBIR bin Said
Accession Number 000293

When Zubir bin Said sat down to write the Singapore national anthem, the music came with ease, but the greater challenge was putting words to the melody. The late acclaimed composer shares the creative process behind “Majulah Singapura”.

Stand Up for Singapore
Interview with MONTEIRO, Jeremy Ian (Prof)
Accession Number 003016

Composer Jeremy Monteiro was in the midst of arranging “Stand Up for Singapore” for a 30-piece orchestra recording the next morning, when a blackout wiped out all his unsaved work on his computer. Luckily, the maestro had the orchestral arrangement down pat in his head and as the song goes, “let it come right from [his] heart” - he redrafted it with pencil and paper.